Centre Number 16401
Candidate Exam Handbook
BTEC Learner Handbook

List of exam boards for each subject

The Joint Council for Qualifications oversee all exams and produce and enforce the rules on how exams are conducted.
Please read the notices and ask a member of staff if you are unsure.
Important Access Arrangement updates for Summer 2025
Student sitting exams with alternative rooming arrangements
The JCQ have highlighted that nervousness, low level anxiety or being worried about examinations is not sufficient grounds for separate invigilation within the centre. Where a candidate panics on the day of an examination or becomes anxious, then we can support them by offering them to be seated where they feel most comfortable within the main examination venue ie. seated at the side, front, back or have arranged to come in 5 minutes early to settle before the start of the examination.
Information for extra time students
If your child has previously been identified as being entitled to have extra time in their examinations and assessments. The examinations governing body, the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications), have tightened the regulations, and for a student to continue to be entitled to extra time this must be their normal way of working. If this applies to your child please can you ensure that your child understands that they will need to take all of their extra time in their mock and in class assessments.
If your child does not use their extra time, there is a possibility we may need to withdraw this access arrangement for their GCSE’s.